At Cos d’Estournel, many of the vineyard’s plots bear names that resemble the work of a naturalist writer when they are in reality relics of the history of each piece of land, each with a very specific profile of vine thriving upon it. Some of the names are explicit while others conjure legends or images from the past . . .
Among the more accessible names, “Le Chêne,” from the French for “oak tree,” is a plot once bordered by a majestic century-old oak tree from which one could admire the Hill of Cos and the château. As for “Le Lac,” or “The Lake,” the plot was named after a nearby body of water, and “Le Maïs,” from the French for “corn,” for a nearby field that once provided sustenance for the estate’s laborers. “Les Sapinettes” was named using a familiar word for “spruce,” an allusion to the lovely evergreen trees planted at one end.